Make a quest leaderboard


A leaderboard of people with the most quest points

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a monthly leaderboard that resets and the points you get should also reset monthly so its fair and when you get into the top 3 those three get a special costume the quest master him self and a special title the quest hunter

I love the idea of special costumes for this!! voted


dont forget to vote it urself!


3 years later lol, bump! I’m surprised this hasn’t been added yet- it would be make quests so much more popular and gamemodes more interesting while also adding a competitive element to it!
Voted :))


I’m afraid bumping posts over a year old is against the rules. (found out the hard way lol)

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Oh, my mistake, at least I know now, thanks for the heads up ^^


Even if this post was necroposted I probably dont think we need a leaderboard for collecting qp lol. Thats just what I think

Also all of the top spots would be Hive+ due to the higher quest limit, essentially making this leaderboard pay to win.

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