Lost login streak grammatically typo (RUS)

Affected language:

Affected Service

Affected Text
Rus: Серия входов в прервана. Eng: You’ve lost your daily login streak.

Suggested Text:
Ваша серия входов прервана.

Explanation of Issue:
Russian word “в” means “in”. If translated literally: “Login streak in interrupted”.
The sentence “Серия входов в прервана/login streak in interrupted” may be unclear to an ordinary player. In addition to this, there is an error in the sentence, which is why the text I proposed above is grammatically correct and understandable to the player :sweat_smile: .

Screenshots and/or video:

Our translators have approved this suggestion, and it will soon be implemented into the game.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations: