Longest Login Streak Hub Title

So recently Hive added a new hub title for people who get (or have/had) a 200 day login streak. I think it would be cool if another hub title was added that displayed your best login streak over your time of playing Hive.

If you don’t understand, let’s say XxTimmyxX currently has a login streak of 9. His best streak across his entire time of playing hive was 736. This hub title would display the 736 instead of 9.

I was thinking either 500 days or 730 days (2 years) as the requirement. I’m leaning towards 730 since I think 500 should be saved for something cooler.

Here’s a poll to decide anyways:

  • 500 days reward
  • 2 years reward
  • Either
0 voters

Edit: Please vote for the topic if you vote on the poll. Thanks!

I think you should get it at 50 so you dont have to do that so much


Well, actually, it’s “longest” and not “biggest” due to the fact that time, or in this case days aren’t big, they’re long. In conclusion, it should be “Longest Login Streak Hub Title.”

Good idea, voted!

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Well, if you looked, it says that I did vote on the poll.

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VOTE for the TOPIC if you VOTED ON THE POLL. Please ty.

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The poll has more votes than the suggestion lol


Yeah that happens way to often

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I like being the odd one out

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If they took the time to read the suggestion to be able to understand the poll, then they must have liked the idea or they wouldn’t have voted on the poll. So arguably, this suggestion has the same number of votes as the poll does. Also, it just makes me feel like more people like it than the number of votes on the suggestion says (I know you don’t have to vote on a suggestion if you like it, but you get what I mean).


yeah to be fair i completely forgot to vote on the actual suggestion


Apparently it encouraged people to come out of shadows and vote for 730 days.

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Bump. Pretty sure this got buried.

There’s too many rewards below 365 so I think there should be some above as well.

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Name one oh wait theres only one! that is excluding the qp which is basically nothing!!

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3 streak savers, current ls hub title, qp (which you mentioned), 10% max exp boost, 100 ls hub title, and time owl costume.


Well i dont consider the xp boost or savers a reward cus i dont use them much oh yeah i might of forgotten The Dedicated and Splodger owl and maybe i do consider savers actually worth and and shoukd really be buyable cough Streak Saver Update cough cough

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Just because you don’t keep a login streak doesn’t mean others won’t find value in it. Glad you acknowledged that savers have value at least but you get my point.

At the bare minimum, you’d need 61 streak savers to get the time owl so you’d only have to log on once weekly for a year. Let’s say they’d cost $6/1020 minecoins. The time owl would cost 1 minute of your life for 52 days of a year and $366. Getting the time owl should not be cheatable by being rich.

If there was a cap at like 3-5 per streak then that’d be okay since you can’t just cheat your way to the time owl (I’m saying time owl since besides the new hub title and exp boost, there’s no point in keeping a long-term ls). Let the time owl stay an accomplishment. I would post this on the post you made, but it’s dead. And this is sorta off-topic so I’m not going any further into this even if you respond with a rebuttal.


I have a 380 streak!!!

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Bro I’m 1 week away from a 100 day one!