Locker suggestion

My idea is to put an image on the left side of the cosmetic you want, like Hide and Seek and Treasure wars.

In short, what I am trying to explain is placing an image of the cosmetic on the left side of the cosmetic you want.

That seems like a good idea to me since as I said before in Hide and Seek and Treasure wars if there is an image on the left side of the cosmetic you want, but in the other games there is no image on the left side of the cosmetic you want like SkyWars and Survival Games

Thanks for your attention. I had a hard time writing this idea.

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I think this will be added, it’s just that the Hive hasn’t gotten to doing it yet. :slight_smile:

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Its simple, I Guess. Honestly I am in level 9 , so this will not help me much , but after a year this will help a lot. You got a vote from me!

Hello there :wave:

Thank you for taking your time to suggest something. This has been suggested before, you can find the original post here (click me). Please make sure to use the search feature :mag: to look for suggestions before posting. If you haven’t already please also read through our Suggestion Guidelines :slightly_smiling_face:

I will close the post now. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a private message here on the forums or on Discord (Lucaa#0002). :blobheart: