Lock sky-classic mid chests early game

I have another suggestion related to sky classic balancing, and that is locking the mid chests

right now, it’s a really short game start cooldown and the sweats are rushing to mid to steal all of the mid chest loot, and the problem is that the only way anyone else can get that loot is by killing or looting the semi mid chests, or surviving to the chest refills

I think that a 30 second lock should be put on only the mid chests
To give everyone an equal chance at being able to get the loot, I think that the semi mid chests are okay to be left unlocked, but I hope hive considers this to help with us “non sweats”

This can be solved by getting good.

The “problem” of sweats rushing to mid and taking all the chests is also the meta of modern skywars. If anything, this new chest arrangement makes it easier for non-sweats since they only have to bridge to one island, instead of two to get better gear. If players are skilled enough to rush the chests, they shouldn’t have to wait to get their reward.

I disagree.
Really the only thing this will do is stall the game more. Rushing mid is a strategy, and making skywars a 1 way gamemode isnt a good idea. Having multiple strategies is good, and there are chests on all sides of mid. If someone rushes one side and you rush the other, I think it works. There are still options in the game (such as tnt) to push players out of mid.


Absolutely absolutely absolutely!

Let’s be logical here, take a look at bedwars. Treasure was a fast paced game, bedwars slowed it down to where you can’t rush instantly. Look how it turned out, triple the player count during their peak times, and 9x the players on their off times, it’s a huge change. Sure, you can count the other factors bedwars improved on from treasure wars, but classic made improvements from the other skywars modes.

Take a look at the player counts already, 2 game modes removed, plus classic replacing kits. Classic is sitting at the same amount of players as kits did. That’s not good, especially for it being BRAND NEW. Classic has a lot of loot issues, that’s it’s problem. Mason is completely right, if you don’t make it to middle instantly, you basically lose. This game mode is only for sweats, regular players will never have a fun time playing it.

Cough cough, exactly! Let’s the average playerbase enjoy the game! Don’t let it continue to be only enjoyable for sweats.
Once again, look how well it worked out for bedwars. It’s by far the most popular game the hive has ever and probably ever will have. Why? Because it’s enjoyable for all players, not just the sweats who rush to middle instantly.

Don’t even try to argue about “getting better.” It’s the worst take you can possibly make on this

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Absolutely not, absolutely not, absolutely not!

First off, you don’t need to be a sweat to learn how to jump or mj bridge. It’s actually pretty easy when you get the hang of it (Sorry mobile players). And mobile players can still enjoy the game since they’ll queue other mobile players so it’s not like they’re being destroyed by pc or console players.

Whilst yes, less sweats are playing bedwars than treasure wars, it’s not like all of them disappeared. There are still sweat parties and sweaty players.

And just because sweats play the game doesn’t mean people don’t like or quit the game. If that was the case, lobbies would be filled by mostly sweats and some level 1s who get destroyed and quit. But clearly most of them don’t since people lower than level 25 play the game. So saying sweats “Hurt a game” is untrue in most cases. The only games where it’s a problem is ctf and treasure wars. But the latter was vaulted.

And you do realize all these sweats sucked at the game as well, right? It’s not like they started out like this. Getting better is the best solution. Everybody who keeps playing gets better. Start playing games, practice more complicated pvp tactics like comboing, and get better like everybody else does. You’ll die, get comboed into void, and get mad at it. That’s expected! But many people have enough perseverance to keep trying and get better.

Nobody is complaining that murder mystery is too hard because: “The murderer can be good at the game and kill everybody so all new players should start out with an infinity bow to make it fair.”

What are you saying, look at the player counts, play it, it’s 70% sweats. The majority of mc players aren’t good, but the game is far far far tailored to the sweats. The border is too fast for console players to loot, unless they plug in a kbm. The game is so unliked that in all regions it’s under 200 players, which it needs to be 200 players in whatever region you’re playing on to get pbmm activated, so it’s definitely not making that if it’s under 200 in all 3 regions combined. So mobile and console players are having an awful time.

Never said they weren’t. Theres more than there was on tw, but I was saying it’s more enjoyable for worse players on bw than it was on tw.

I’ve literally not had a single game without a sweat who rushes mid and is overpowered (I’m mobile)


Where’s the “no rush” option for us “bad bridgers”?
That’s the problem I’m trying to fix here

This is literally the point of the post :sob: so it isn’t “rush mid, be op and win”
the post allows for all players to have strategy in being able to loot things,
this is a lot different than regular skywars where even if sweats rush, everyone has access to diamond and emerald ores to have an equal chance

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Just because you run into a bunch of sweats doesn’t mean I do. Every game is tailored to better players because they know how to play the game, so they’re rewarded for their knowledge of the game with the knowledge of the game.

Of course it has low playercounts. If I joined Skywars for the first time I’d be looking for regular Skywars and wondered what the heck “Skywars Classics” is for a couple seconds and then go play normal Skywars. There’s so many items that a better name for it would’ve been “Skywars Chaos” in my opnion. A new player would be totally lost.

And by the way, I’m a console player, I played a few games, and was confused for a bit, but I got the hang of it (This is different from the scenario from the last paragraph since this isn’t my first time playing).

Also, why did you quote that to disagree then agree on the next sentence lol?

In all games there is sweats, but these games have an equal chance for all players to be able to get the items to have an equal fight, skywars classic does NOT have this, which is the point of this post, for all players to have a chance at the items needed for a fair fight


Most people (Including me) rush mid with very little armor and could easily be killed when I’m looting a chest. So it’s not like there’s no risk to rushing. You can play the game in different ways, some are just much better than others. The no rush option is kits like archer where you can play defensively and camp your island. A lot of people won’t be happy about it, but it’s a strategy.

That’s the point though. It’s different from normal Skywars in a lot of ways, including no ores.

This is a different game where there are strategies you can come up with to counter mid rushers.

I’m going to stop replying after this since I’m not going to put more energy into disagreeing with a suggestion which won’t matter whenever they remove the Skywars Classics ltm.

Get good? Define that, that can mean many things, I can get good at joining skywars games to get destroyed.

You know what I’m talking about, I’m not wasting 5-10 minutes explaining it.

the only kit that stands the slightest chance is archer, and that one is the most unbalanced with the bow being way too op anyways

if this gamemode is for sweats only might as well call it “ranked skywars classic” and add skill based match making so the average players know that it isn’t the game for them

(I should stop arguing my logic before hive gets angy)

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Locking out the game and making it so you are forced to pvp with underpowered gear will not fix any issues this game may have, just cause more issues.
SkyWars is a SKILL based game. Making it less competitive just… really doesn’t make much sense. A lot of the strategy is to rush mid. There are items in the game- such as TNT, Breeze Balls, Bows, and Snowballs that can counter people with good gear. There are also options to push people OUT of middle.

The islands on the side with the good chests also help people who are bad at bridging, but the island at the middle rewards skillful players who can bridge.

A lot of people who rush mid have very little armour to begin with. Stalling out the game even more will just make people rush the side island, grab good loot, and kill everyone. The only difference is there is less good loot being played, as only like 3 people will have good loot.

Does SkyWars Classic need balancing? Yes. It does.
The warm up time is WAY too short, and the loot in normal chests should be buffed.
Despite this, I dont think locking middle for a certain amount of time is the answer to solving this issue. Adding better loot on the side islands, or buffing loot in normal chests are viable ways I think could work.
Although I disagree locking middle chests, I do think that they should balance the game better in some way- because I do agree its catered to sweats more.


Definitely the way to go. I’ll remove my vote and vote for whatever post(s) say that instead.

I don’t understand this take though, majority of maps you have to bridge to one of the side islands before making it to middle, but it’s only 1 chest, so it doesn’t make a difference for the average player, they’ll still die.

I don’t think you guys understand they’ll have those too, and a lot more of it. Plus they’ll get pearls and totems.

No :sob:
Yes, skill is involved, but it’s a luck based game. If two players are the same skill, it comes down to who got better stuff from their chests. A skill based game would have no luck involved at all, none, at least in my opinion.

No hate, but what?:sob:
If I was looking for a regular skywars experience, skywars classic would be the one I go to. The name matches it perfectly, it’s the regular skywars experience most servers have.

Cuz I never said there was less sweats and I wanted to clear that confusion up.

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How did literally like 7 100000 charachetr posts happen in such a short time and next to each other and i dont bother to read then if theyre so long

Honestly though, buffing the chests at your island means that the sweats get good loot quickly, meaning games go even faster than before. If you can find things like diamond armor in your island chests, then spawn killing will most likely be a much bigger issue

I don’t think they’d buff the loot that much. I was thinking they meant at least a full set or iron/chain armor from your base.

From the games I played last night, half the players were half naked with half iron/chain on fighting against people that have half diamond with an iron helmet and chain boots. The fights weren’t anywhere close enough to fair

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There are a lot nicer ways of saying that. I feel like with how many sweats there are, it is almost impossible to “get good”
Also @DaWhadurMonz you do have some good points, but I still think that this suggestion might work as well. Also thank you for explaining kindly and calmly, it is very much appreciated

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