Limiting armor not giving someone full diamond armor

it is really annoying and dumb when you are fighting someone with full diamond armor because the only way you can really kill them is knocking them or having the same gear when someone has full diamond armor and i have a stone sword it seems to take so long to finally kill them and its extremely hard to kill them if they take almost zero knockback as well and even harder if they can land hits on you as well

This has been suggested before btw, personally I think they should make the bottom half iron, since you want a skill curve that doesn’t destroy inexperienced players, also for future reference I would probably go more in detail of your suggestion instead of just saying “diamond armour bad”, have a good day!

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I just think you need to learn the match up and adapt to your opponent.

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Overused quote gets overused

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I think it is not imposible if you’re smart enough, when this happens to me I run away accross a thin bridge with a bow in hand, quickly aim to my opponent and try to knock him to the void (Doesn’t work everytime obviously).
Also, remember it’s a team game, if you can’t beat him maybe a team mate with diamond armor can, or a few with iron armor

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To solve your problem, stop people from getting dia armor by rushing and controlling ems.

Bumping this to encourage discussion with the new preview update. :+1:

Why not add anything yourself-

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