Level 40 in CTF

So last week or the week before that I maxed CTF, and I couldn’t stop thinking to myself: “that was way too easy” and I know a lot of other people who are max in CTF too in fact about half my friends list is max in CTF so here is a little concept for level 40 in CTF.

idk actually know how to make hub titles look like titles from hive so I’ll just right it down here.
LEVEL 27: I Have The flag!
Level 35: Defend The flag!

Level 22: Insta tnt and a flag next to it
Level 37: Speed berries

A few unlock ideas
Level 25: Mini flag projectile
Kill phrase: CaptainPurzy Flagged ________

Max costume.
Something similar to skywars. and make level 20 give you the boy version and max give you the girl version of the costume

Maybe make it harder to lvl up
Cuz ppl got lvl 20 like instantly

This is a duplicate suggestion.


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yeah ig it’s a dupe but this post is a little more specific about the rewards and what the max level is


You guys have any more ideas for unlocks?

Tbh I’m still at 17 and struggling

Even though its a dupe can we just wait longer pls?

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For anyone saying this is a “dupe” it really isn’t, considering the other post is extremely low effort, and has no actual concepts for anything, and that this post already has more votes. This post shouldn’t be locked.

Dupe is dupe.

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well that doesn’t mean it can’t be locked just bc it has more votes. but this post is a little more detailed and specific

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Yeah that was a bad reason, but this post is much more high effort, and I remember another example, where a post was a lot more effort and had more votes but someone found a super low effort post that was made before the high effort one, and the moderators opted to keep the high effort one open. So yeah this post shouldn’t be closed.

For unlocks, I think maybe a flag return animation or kill phrase would be a good addition. Maybe something like treasure wars where you only get kill phrases above level 20.

Wow good idea!
I’ll add that, make sure to vote for this suggestion tho!

I like the idea of more levels in ctf, but I would prefer to wait a bit before getting them. Maybe they could update other games in the meantime? cough Survival Games cough Deathrun cough cough

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Man clearly doesn’t know how the forums work


like seriously it hasn’t been touched in over a year


Firstly, while I appreciate this suggestion may have more likes, it is much more useful for the Hive Team to have feedback/more ideas on the original suggestion. This way, it gives them a much better indication of the true count of those supporting it. You are more than welcome to post your own ideas on the original suggestion and like it.
Generally, we ask that people make suggestions on here, not try and prioritise the Hive Team’s ideas. I completely understand some games such as deathrun may have not been updated in a while, but that’s your chance to make a new suggestion, not diminish this one.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.