Let's Add "Knockback Nemo" To "The Bridge"

Make a Knockback Nemo Option for the bridge. It could be an Item you pick during the Item picking phase. 1 time use like the leap, regenerates every round. It works like a Knockback Nemo In every other game.

Do we really need Knockback Nemo in the Bridge?


If it was single-use ig it’d be ok


It works, but it would be a little bit useless. It is just a melee alternative to snowballs.

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Exactly. Some people can’t aim that well, so a knockback nemo COULD be useful. But it should definitely be


You have a very good point about the aim, and now I can imagine it would be way better for touchscreen aswell.

I change my mind, its useful.

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thx. If you think it’s a good Idea then vote pls

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Already voted.

Sounds too op I’d want it to be one time use only doesn’t regenerate if someone scores even in solos

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Think ab it tho. The leap is pretty OP in and of itself. Free launch? Jump past hits? nemos the exact same

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This would be insanely OP, if this was added to the game it would need to be nerfed.

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So what you’re saying is that since we already have overpowered items in the game, we should keep adding more? While the nemo itself wouldn’t be all that overpowered if it was a one-time use item in Bridge, it would still be pretty annoying to deal with, topped with the snowballs being able to basically send you to Mars.

I think instead of adding more OP items as counters to existing OP items, Hive should make the items themselves less powerful. (Or in the case of snowballs, replacing them, but thats a whole other post).