Let teleporters be useable whilst holding the flag

Here me out.

Firstly, the game doesn’t tell you this until you try it and so is a one-time flag loss that a player has to annoying experience (I personally hated it)

Additionally, the teleporters that are placed around are mostly moving from a west side of the map to the east side and so forth. This would actually help flag holders as they can go through the teleporter and turn back to be ready for PvP if they are being chased.

Slowness is already a good enough debuff for flag carriers no teleporters are just an inconvenience

EDIT: Just found a different topic saying the same thing but only on 1 map and I’m talking about all teleporter maps

There is not. I forgot the name of it, but I can think up of at least 2 maps with them ( though the second one it’s pretty far out of the way)


The maps that have teleporters are Lago, Campsite, and Empire just for future reference.


I understand your reasoning for this, but I personally feel like it adds to the challenge. CTF games are already very fast-paced, so making teleporters usable would just decrease capturing time and shorten the games further.

It also removes the need for others on your team to assist you and follow.

Just like in real-life CTF, it’s an incredible challenge and requires a lot of work to win.


What if they were unlocked halfway through the game (as a team upgrade for 100 coins maybe?) as this also solves another key issue

After halfway through most of the team has likely logged off and it’s probably a 3v3. That means there aren’t people spare to go protect the flag holder.

I still feel that this would open up more opportunities for solo flag runners having to deal with the fact they are on their own whilst still only being unlocked until it’s actually needed


And altara, in the small houses


Those are really out of the way though on that map I think but it’s still useful there

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no, flag carriers not being able to go through teleporters allows for flagless people to traverse the map and maybe cut off the people with the flag, this would be so annoying if implemented.


BUMP because this needs to be re discussed.

Also @AnAbsurdName how would it be annoying bc flag runners already run slower

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It removes some strategy from the game.


I don’t really think this needs to be re-discussed as Absurd said it perfect. It removes strategy from the game. And because flag carriers are slowed isn’t really a valid reason, because they have to be slow in order for it to be balanced. You can’t try and balance something that was put in place to balance.


It will be way to easy to take the flag back to base. Don’t you think?

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exactly, thats why it’s a bad idea. The maps are all built around the fact that flag carriers cannot go through teleporters. If they could then empire would be extremely unbalanced, for example. This change would force many maps to go through a redesign because it would change the speed of the games. Therefore, no thank you to this suggestion.


As the guy who votes for almost anything, I have to agree with Absurd. :sweat_smile:

It breaks the game too much and removes a lot of strategy, making this game just frustrating with no strategic aspect whatsoever.


Nah mate, game breaking

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This would be an interesting addition to CTF. :thinking:
I’m not sure whether or not if they should add it though. Although this would be interesting, this would need to be nerfed. I need more detail/information to really get why this would be a good addition, otherwise, I’m just as blind as a bat. For now, I don’t agree until further notice.


Stand on the teleporter for 3-5 seconds before it lets the flag holder teleport! That definitely balances it a lot, since if they’re getting cased they couldnt use it, get hit off and the count down gets reset. Maybe a little health reduction while on it, idk if it needs that nerfed though. Take the risk of trying to use the teleporter getting killed or getting it off and saving a lot of time!


I agree. In empire you can just hop in hop out grab the flag hop back in the teleporter and score.

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