Allow flaggers to use the portals on Lago.
More information:
The map Lago has portals scattered throughout it. These portals may seem like the fastest way to get to the other team’s flag and back, but it is possible to block the portals and hinder or trap any players that arrive from them. As of right now, the flagger can’t use these portals, but I think they should be able to access them. It would add a risk vs reward situation where the flagger has to decide whether or not to take the shortcut. The flagger would also have trust that their teammates have cleared the way for their return.
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No that would be too op in my opinion
It would be to op and no chllaneg
If this is implemented the slowness effect would be pretty much useless.
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part of not being able to tp is the challenge
its fun to run across the map trying to get the flag delivered
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Hey jadoo congrats on graduating hs and good to see u again!!
So they removed the portal trapping now which is epic and I honestly not familiar with the maps so I don’t know which one is lago but I do have a valid point so here me out
I personally think that it would be confusing for the teleporters to work on one map but not the others.
That’s really the only point I have cause I only play defense in ctf so idk about the slowness stuff
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If flaggers could use tp it would make the game pretty much instant
the point of the game is to survive with the flag, with slowness effect and get across the map to capture the flag,
so yeah games would be a lot quicker if this was implemented, and a lot less fun