Lengthen AFK timer

I find in Just Build, I take some time to ponder which blocks to use, then have to abruptly stop to stop being kicked. I merely suggest an extra 30 seconds to alleviate false banning.
That’s all!

what. theres an afk timer in just build??? i didn’t know that and i play all the time


The best thing about just build is that they could even have it go up to anything just under 5 minutes in the regular mode, as long as they get kicked before voting starts.

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yup. It sucks Voted

Voted,I can’t even pick the blocks frfr

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I remember my friend and me playing JB and he was in his inventory for too long and he didn’t understand what AFK is and then he got kicked and it was my favorite topic. He was unhappy.

ive gotten kicked for, like, one mintute because i had to go to the bathroom and when i got back i was kicked.
@zPark3r similar. i was on my second fave topic. so BOO.

and it happens all the time when i’m getting my blocks. like, give a minute?

I have a colour palet in a cool notebook I made myself, so I wouldn’t really need this HOWEVER I do see that this could benefit players.
im so old school lol
If you see this you has good skills at stuff

We will increase the grace period from 45 seconds to 75 seconds, you will now be kicked at 90 seconds of inactivity.