Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
- Death Run
- Block Party
- Block Drop
- Block Drop
Affected Text:
- Saltar [Usar]
- Saltar [Use]
- Usar Pulo
- [player] pegou o bônus Pulo extra!
Suggested Text:
- Salto [Usar]
- Salto [Usar]
- Usar Salto
- [player] pegou o bônus Salto Extra!
Explanation of Issue:
The main problem here is the lack of cohesion between all the translations of the word ‘Leap’. It has 4 different translations on the entire server. The intention here is to maintain consistency in the translation and ensure that the translation of this word is the same for all texts in which it appears:
- Incorrect verb tense: Instead of meaning an item called ‘Jump’, as in the original version, the translation is translated as being an action you can do - technically it’s not wrong, considering the item has the same name as the action it performs, but it still looks weird because it seems like you’re being forced to do it. For example:
- ‘‘Você pode usar o Salto para viajar rapidamente pelo mundo’’ - ‘‘You can use the Leap to quickly travel around the world’’ = Item name (like the name suggests)
- ‘‘Você precisa *saltar pelas rochas para chegar ao topo’’ - ‘‘You must leap over the rocks to reach the top’’ = an action that can/needs to be performed (incorrect translation in this case)
Same case as the previous one, uses the incorrect verb tense for the word ‘Salto/Saltar/Leap’ /// Here the text has also been corrected to fix the word ‘Use’: The word ‘Use’ in the translation has a sense of order, it seems like you are ‘ordering’ the player to use the Leap, that can be a bit confusing; the correct form, ‘Usar’, is the correct form and means that the player can use the item whenever they want
One more of the cases of multiple translations for a single word: ‘Pulo’ is a correct translation for ‘Leap’, but ‘Salto’ is already more present on the server, so it’s important to keep consistency - Furthermore, ‘Jump’ is already more commonly understood as a ‘jump’, so the item can be confused with a normal Minecraft jump
Same case as the previous one, changing the word ‘Pulo’ to ‘Salto’ for better translation cohesion for the word ‘Leap’ - The suggestion also corrects the capitalization of the word ‘Extra’ to make it better and similar to the original text
Screenshots and/or video:
I added the image above just for reference to show that the word ‘Pulo’ was already used on the server too - this translation for ‘Leap’ is the best and I believe it should be the one that should be kept.