Leap in Backrooms

With the present power up, make the leap one of the items you can get.

I don’t think it’s a good idea because it give the Murderer an unfair advantage. And also Innocents and Sheriff if the Murderer had the Leap. Also welcome to Hive Forum’s. :honeybee:

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Don’t see why we need this; using a leap seems kind of off to be honest with you. Leaps are in Deathrun, Bridge, and Block Drop and should stay on Deathrun, Bridge, and Block Drop.

Also welcome to the forums :slightly_smiling_face::honeybee::honey_pot:


I agree with StrangerHades11.


I can see why you think this, and you do have a point. And this was also just a random idea I had and I didn’t put much thought into it. Also I think I’ve seen you in a lot of my games lol

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