Leap button for mobile

Same as Orbixx

I can’t relate but my friends does.

Even though they don’t complain about it I feel they would want this.

Also I hope other mobile users also see this so there would be more votes.

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Im always having trouble at using leap. Like when I need to jump and leap at the same time it’s like I seconds before the leap activates BUT when i navigate my character it instantly leaps for no reason. Genius.

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i dunno, i was able to use leap, jump and navigate with the same finger i used to leap… doesn’t sound that big of a problem to me but if its helping most mobile players then yeah, this is a good idea. :+1:

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On mobile, you have to hold tap for one second to use leap while every other device will be able to one-tap, one-click, etc. This suggestion can help lots of mobile players, this is a good idea. :+1:


hold tap

Also how would you even use that button it’s so hard to do that if you’re jumping and turning and running at the same time.

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How is that related to anything here

Oh sorry, wrong topic lol.

Tbh it looks like it would be harder than just tapping and holding

No, there would be an option to just click anywhere on the screen and it activates the leap.

it’s defiantly possible as they can make a custom gui, so they can defiantly script a button, which is possible.

Have you seen something like it before? I very positive it’s not doable.

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have you forgotten about the gui, and i did say it is possible in coding because things like this my actually be possible as there’s things that might possibly do it.

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Welcome to the forums! :partying_face:

When their first post is the best deathrun suggestion I’ve ever seen.

Anyways, I’m mobile, and I frikin’ love this.

As a mobile player, I think this would be a great feature because having to long-tap to leap puts mobile players on a disadvantage especially when trying to speedrun a map. However, I think this feature should be optional since some mobile players are already used to and possibly even prefer long-tapping to leap.

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this would be a really nice thing to have because it will finally allow mobile players to turn and leap at the same time. mobile players have such big disadvantage on maps like school where there are 2 shortcuts that require you to turn and leap at the same time (one at the beginning jump boost pad and one at the sea lanterns near the end). very few mobile players can work their way around it, but most of them would just switch to a worse leap strat (because it’s easier) and get a time significantly slower.

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this was accepted
It’s the same exact thing
So this should be accepted, as for the same reason the linked one was

and yes, year bump

Adding buttons is not currently possible. However, we will allow tapping the screen to activate leap.


Just adding a note here, it looks like this was forgotten about - it’s now been implemented :tada: