Knockback Nemo - Translation Consistency

Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):

  1. Block Drop - Knockback Nemo Item
  2. Block Drop - Knockback Nemo Chat Message
  3. Block Drop - Knockback Nemo Chat Message
  4. Block Party - Knockback Nemo Item

Affected Text:

  1. Nemo de Empurrão [1 acerto]
  2. Bônus coletado: Nemo de Empurrão [1 acerto]
  3. Atinja um jogador com o Nemo de Empurrão para causar um empurrão
  4. Nemo de Empurrão [1 acerto] [Use]

Suggested Text:

  1. Knockback Nemo [1 acerto]
  2. Bônus coletado: Knockback Nemo [1 acerto]
  3. Atinja um jogador com o Knockback Nemo para causar repulsão
  4. Knockback Nemo [1 acerto] [Usar]

Explanation of Issue:

Considering that the first time the name ‘Knockback Nemo’ appeared was in Sky Wars, I think it’s important to keep that name (since it’s not translated there). He’s already appeared in several parts of the early server with that name and I think it’s important to keep it that way so that everyone understands.

A while back I suggested changing the name ‘Empurrão de Dory’ to ‘Knockback Dory’ in Bed Wars, so that it would be related and connected to the Knockback Nemo from Sky Wars - that way, new players would find out what the item is about and would already be familiar with it when they encountered it in other games, and old players would already know what the item does when they find it in new games - the suggestion was accepted, so I think it’s important to do the same for all other ‘Knockback Nemos’ on the server.

  1. Changed the name to ‘Knockback Nemo’, aiming to match the explanation above
  2. Changed the name to ‘Knockback Nemo’, aiming to match the explanation above
  3. Changed the name to ‘Knockback Nemo’, aiming to match the explanation above // Also changed the name ‘Empurrão’ to ‘Repulsão’, as that is the name of the original Portuguese translation of the Minecraft Knockback enchantment
  4. Changed the name to ‘Knockback Nemo’, aiming to match the explanation above // ‘Use’ is conjugated incorrectly. Its verb tense and meaning is in the future, so it seems like the player is “obliged” to use the item. “Usar”, on the other hand, indicates that the player can use it whenever they want (which is the right meaning). Many translations of the same word are like this, so I will make a more detailed post explaining about “Usar”

Screenshots and/or video:


2 & 3


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Our translators have approved these suggestions, and they will soon be implemented into the game.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations: