Knockback/Nemo Kit

This kit would be used in SkyWars Kits, and would consist of a Knockback Nemo. But, there is a twist. The user takes 150% knockback from other players, no matter what weapon/item they are using. They also wouldn’t be able to use knockback boomboxes, and the same 50% knockback increase applies to normal boomboxes used against them.

I think that even with the draw backs, getting a Nemo at the start of a game might still be overpowered. Please leave your thoughts below!

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That is a overpowered kit with a nemo but other players are able to hit you far too.


The knockback kit is a overpowered kit because you can start a game with a knockback nemo but if you get hit you will go far.

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I like this idea, personally

imo, to keep with the knockback trend in this kid, you should start off with like 3 kb boomboxes and a fish

The fish could be op, but i mean, with the title on, people should know who they’re dealing with. Maybe limiting fish uses will make it better

also, @anon71149753 like mahi said, try not to double post. (Posting 2 messages in a row) It’s okay since you’re new to the forums, but it spams the forums.


I think the nemo kit should be like a one hit Nemo (like in block drop) and it regenerates after every 30 seconds so it a bit balanced.


I have thought about a kit which includes Knockback Nemo. I’d love it personally, but I just know there will be a lot of angry people if it actually happens lol. I doubt it will happen honestly. :frowning:

Maybe they should take a little less knockback than that otherwise people using this kit will be slapped into a different universe.


Ok sorry for posting 2 times in a row

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You got to remember this is Minecraft and it would take ages for the hive to use command blocks that operate this function you have suggested

I’m not exactly sure what you mean here, as the Hive doesn’t work off of command blocks. Not a single command block is used to power the Hive (or any server for that matter), as the Hive is completely custom coded.


Dang I thought it was commands I never knew that was possible in Minecraft

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Yeah, no there is no such thing as command blocks on the Hive. (I believe that even if an admin placed one down, it’s not programmed to do anything and likely just used as a decoration block, if that.)

In extremely basic terms, the Hive runs off of a data provider (I believe they use Microsoft Azure) which runs all the code, programming, and infrastructure. I don’t fully understand all of it, but I know the general idea, so I hope that helps you understand it lol. If the Hive were programmed with command blocks, quite literally the Hive would be a terrible server that lacked any actual features and ran like a disaster, if it even were a tiny bit possible.

even more basically: person writes code, person implements code to the actual server, server reads code, server runs code, things happen.

anyway sorry to take it off topic, just wanted to clear that up :slight_smile:

If they were using command blocks, it would limit what they could do and cause heeps of lag.


Probably be to overpowered! Love the idea but maybe you can make some changes. One could be every hit the Nemo or other knowckbsck item goes away for 10 seconds or more. This would make this less annoying and fair.

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I think it’s a good idea since almost everyone picks void walker since it a great would make the people who want the best kit to pick extra lives or extra knock back, plus if your against a wall the knock back Nemo does nothing.