So ya know how almost every other type of treasure/bed/cake wars has a knock-back stick? Well why can’t the Hive add the Knock-Back stick to the game, I think it could be useful for keeping enemies at bay, (also it could cost like 3 emeralds or something [ It could also have like a load up bar so you can’t spam it])
Hmmmm. I think this would make the game very annoying. (Especially for those players who can combo you…)
Well, they cannot combo you if you’re way to far away, and don’t forget about using the bow also :0
bows are for losers my opinion is that bows are for less experienced players
a knockback stick would be too op? it depends how much knockback your talking. because for everyone that loves to run away, it would be super annoying
knockback stick in a nutshell
Player: gets hit
Also Player: gets sent 28583375820501958195929 miles away
No because the game is campy enough imagine having diamond armer and taking no kB and having a kb stick. But also yes because it’s a way to counter diamond armer. I have mixed feelings about this
If Hive made a whole separate game mode for perks like that I can see it happening but for it to be in normal TW I don’t see it fitting in.
if someone hit’s me with a kb sitck i can literally bridge at highest speeds (unless it was somehow kick for speed hacks)
%100 Yes pls we need this
Well this would be like knockback nemo in Skywars soo yeah im for it but dunno
Bump because there isn’t a good kb item in tws that actually deals kb and can be a counter for diamond armer
ability to combo??
Also, no. This would become just like the nemo, and pretty sure we all are on the same page that it’s way too op.
Not really everyone, it’s more like a split in the community
nothing deals any kb on bedrock
Snowballs- Use for combos
Bows- Don’t do any kb and are useless against dia armer unless you spam.
Combos- Ah yes i’m going to combo someone off the map when no one takes any kb on hive
What is your ping, kb is balanced enough for 12 snowballs to send someone off the edge. You need aim, or just stacks of sb.
Agreed, sometimes kb for players is messed up, but just because on java 1.8 w tapping does way more kb makes it a complete different start?
Anddd we’re starting to go off topic here.
like 120 because my wifi is a piece of ****. 1.8 java kb is completely different. I have multiple clips of of a bridge with snowballs with them barely moving.
Uh hey sorry guys for no replies for like the past year, yeah I’ve been inactive for a year
3 Emeralds is too cheap for an OP stick, and this should cost 15 emeralds… and the cool down for the stick should be set to 10 seconds, and this thing should be a keep-inventory exclusive, in case you die in the void or against someone, they won’t be able to loot your stick.
I don’t see this added. It just wouldn’t fit to tw.
Also it might be a bit too op.
So either mage it more expensive or so cheap, everyone can get it
in the first few minutes.