Kits suggestion


So like when the player spawn they will get a NEW SPELL BOOK called “Spell Teleporter” when that spell of book used, player will have
-5.2% of teleport to the void
-9.9% stuck in a wall
-12.8% teleport to a player
-and the rest of it teleport to a save place

so when player spawn player also have 1 ender pearl, another thing! if the spell of teleporter when used it will have a cooldown of 30 second after the 30 second cooldown is done it will generate another one

So thats is, hope you guys understand

One of the most fair kits suggestions I’ve seen. Because even if you do teleport to somebody, they might outkit you! I love the randomization. I feel like some very chaotic gameplay strategies will come from this.


No, we don’t need explicit rng like this, you can always win even if you have terrible luck in skywars, but teleporting to the void? Really?