Kill and kill assist in CTF

Kill should be given to the person who inflicted the most damage on the person killed because it is annoying when someone nearly kills someone and another person takes the kill. For example, if the first person did 80% of the damage and the second 20%, the first person should get kill and the second one kill assist.

The purpose of having kill assist is to help when your kill gets stolen. It would be just as annoying if you found a person hiding in a corner and kill them in two hits. But don’t get the coins because they ran from another fight even though you’re the only one there.

An alternative for this would be a system of Kill, Shared Kill, and Kill Assist. Shared Kill would mean that if you did half the damage to someone you would get the same amount of coins as the person who did the last hit, and any one else who hit them got 3 coins.