Just Build statistics "translation bug" [German]

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Just Build (statistics)

Affected Text:
Erhaltene “Mau”-Bewertungen x
Erhaltene “Geht so”-Bewertungen x
Erhaltene “Gut”-Bewertungen x
Erhaltene “Großartig”-Bewertungen x
Erhaltene “Liebe ich!”-Bewertungen x

Suggested Text:
Erhaltene “Naja”-Bewertungen x
Erhaltene “Okay”-Bewertungen x
Erhaltene “Gut”-Bewertungen x
Erhaltene “Super”-Bewertungen x
Erhaltene “Wundervoll”-Bewertungen x

Explanation of Issue:
To be honest, it’s been bothering me for ages that the ratings on the statistics board isnt similar to these at the end of the game.

The ratings at the end of a game are “Deine Bewertungen: Naja (x), Okay (x), Gut (x), Super (x), Wundervoll (x)” which doenst match whith the ratings on the statistic board except “Gut”.

It is a bit confusing and should be adjusted.
But that’s just my opinion

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting a translation suggestion.

I totally agree that the inconsistency here is confusing, I have implemented your suggestions, and all references to ratings should match now (the changes should appear in-game in the near future).

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations: