Just Build Reporting

A quest point system for correctly reporting inappropriate builds in JB.

Almost every JB game I play there is always 1 build of a male’s private area, a racist remark, or offensive language.

It seems like very few people are reporting these builds with how often I see them. It’s sad that a parent buys this game for their kid, intending for it to be pg, but are exposed to this type of content. It also delays and greifs the game for the players trying to play correctly.

I believe giving quest points for reporting inappropriate builds will increase the ammount of players reporting these builds and decrease the ammount that are made.

I understand this wont 100% prevent inappropriate builds, however I believe it will really help with seeing them less often.


Yeah, I’m not sure what the current system is, but I think the staff should make it so that the first time you build something inappropriate you get a 30 day ban, and if you do it after that it’s permanent


I agree, however I think they already have a banning system for all modes, including JB.

I believe most people are not reporting the inappropriate content, for various reasons. Thinking its funny, not wanting to go through the reporting process, lack of care, etc.

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Out of all the jb report suggestions I’ve seen so far
This one was the best


Thank you Fawn, I hope this suggestion gets traction. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I think QP can also be included as a reward for reporting in Just Build so then more people would want to report inappropriate builds.

You have my vote. :+1:


Yess, thank you for responding Oblivion!:metal:

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As a max level in just build I will gladly vote on this
I’ve had games where an inappropriate or off topic build will WIN!?
This would probably help stop inappropriate builders and maybe give people a reason to play just build
Also maybe add this to the #suggestions:just-build catagory


Absolutely, I’ve seen that too Mason. Thats another resason why it doesn’t get reported. You get the ones that think it is funny, but I bet if you give the same people a qp incentive their opinion about it will change…:slightly_smiling_face:

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This is prolly the best solution, as the qp reward will also entice more players to play and lookout for inappropriate builds. Playing JB on hive at night results in very long wait in the lobby, and this solution fixes it along with the inappropriate build problem

You have my upvote :+1:


I agree! Thank you for replying Arshle🤙

Yes this should be added
And they should add an afk kick for 1 min bc sometimes people afk and dont build anything and they get voted love >:(