Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
- Just Build - Rating Items Names
- Just Build - Rating Confirmation Chat
- Just Build - Game Over Ratings
- Just Build - Rating Statistics
Affected Text:
- Meh
- OK
- Boa
- Ótima
- Amei
- Ruim
- Razoável
- Bom
- Ótimo
- Amei
- Ruim
- Razoável
- Bom
- Ótimo
- Amei
- Meh
- OK
- Boas
- Ótima
- Amei
Suggested Text:
- Ruim
- OK
- Bom
- Ótimo
- Amei
- Ruim
- OK
- Bom
- Ótimo
- Amei
- Ruim
- OK
- Bom
- Ótimo
- Amei
- Ruim
- OK
- Bom
- Ótimo
- Amei
Explanation of Issue:
For some reason, the translation of item name ratings, chat confirmation, game over message and stats panel have different names for some of the ratings, even though they are the same name for all of them in the English version. The intention here is to maintain consistency and ensure that the translation of those words are the same for all texts in which they appear:
The suggested names to be kept were:
- Meh = Ruim - As it is not a very common onomatopoeia in Brazil to express something bad, I think it is better to translate it this way, keeping the same meaning (ruim = bad)
- Okay = OK - Keeping ‘Okay’ would be a good choice too, but ‘OK’ is better accepted and much more commonly used in Brazil. Everyone knows what OK means, but people can get confused when they see ‘Okay’ because it is a term that arrived here more recently, with the internet (And, as obvious as it may seem that the two words mean the same thing, it can be confusing due to the phonetic differences between English and Portuguese)
- Good = Bom = The current name has been kept, the translation is correct
- Great = Ótimo = The current name has been kept, the translation is correct
- Love = Amei = The current name has been kept, the translation is correct
- Changed ‘Meh’ to ‘Ruim’ - Aiming to match the explanation above
- Changed ‘Boa’ to ‘Bom’ - It is not necessary to change the word gender of the translation, since the same name must be kept for all texts
- Changed ‘Razoável’ to ‘OK’ - ‘Razoável’ is a great translation, but considering that ‘OK’ is already more present in the other translations and is more similar to the original translation, I think it is the best option to keep for consistency
- Changed ‘Razoável’ to ‘OK’ - ‘Razoável’ is a great translation, but considering that ‘OK’ is already more present in the other translations and is more similar to the original translation, I think it is the best option to keep for consistency
- Changed ‘Meh’ to ‘Ruim’ - Aiming to match the explanation above
- Changed ‘Boas’ to ‘Bom’ - It is not necessary to change the word gender of the translation, since the same name must be kept for all texts
- Changed ‘Ótima’ to ‘Ótimo’ - It is not necessary to change the word gender of the translation, since the same name must be kept for all texts
- I understand that in this case the words may be in the feminine word gender because they are interacting with the word ‘Avaliações’, so I suggested putting quotation marks (‘’) in them so that their relation is the same in the English version, referring to the game’s ratings (instead of interacting with each other) - the quotation marks indicate that the term is not interacting with the previous word, but is being cited from somewhere else. For example:
''As avaliações foram marcadas como 'Bom', mas poderiam ser melhores''
''As avaliações foram marcadas como boas, mas poderiam ser melhores.''
Screenshots and/or video: