Just Build Inappropriate builds can no longer win!

In Just Build There should be a way if someone gets enough reports on just build that they can’t win, I’ve had a lot of people build bad things and still winning while numerous people have reported that player. Maybe even don’t tell people that you implemented it so they don’t abuse it (just a thought).

this is a good idea!


:crystal_ball: Welcome To The Forums @Austrx! Enjoy Your Stay! :partying_face:


ye thats true i have lost to many inappropriate build in the past


Couldn’t someone get a large party to queue the game and report all the good builds


But you can get a punishment if you make too many false reports


It would be hard for a party of four to get into the same game and even if they do they probably won’t know about the feature. From what I’ve seen in my 500+ games I’ve never seen anyone get kicked falsely.

I think a 2 point reduction for each report would work better to reduce the number of people tying to exploit the feature


True true that’s a good idea hopefully they can implement something that will punish people who build those things.


but the problem is some stu*ids dont report the build and give a love instead so thats like ++5 points

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True that’s another problem

Dude, there was a Hitler supporting build and a swastika created by two people literally won first place at just build. Then, at my second game with the same players there and the hitler build again. I think, people think it is funny and then just make the person win.

u can report them w the blaze powder (in game) and on the discord @Penguin9699


:crystal_ball: Welcome To The Forums Penguin9699! Enjoy Your Stay!

This is actually a very good idea, I’ve seen quite a few inappropriate builds make it into the top 3, I would definitely like this feature. However, I fear that people might just vote any ol’ build as Inappropriate as a way of eliminating them as an opponent. Other than that, very nice and an upvote from me 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

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I know this suggestion is slightly different, but there was an issue where players who were kicked from your game could still win, and this has been fixed. Here’s the bug report. @Hlzyzptlk I’m not sure if this needs locked or not :thinking:


Yeah it shouldn’t be possible to win with an inappropriate build anymore :slight_smile: