Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese
Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Just Build Custom Servers - Block Themes
Affected Text:
- Placas
- Pedra decorativa
- Caveiras
- Velas
- Blocos personalizados
Suggested Text:
- Lajes
- Pedra Decorativa
- Crânios
- Velas
- Blocos Personalizados
Explanation of Issue:
- The original translation of Minecraft to ‘Slabs’ is ‘Lajes’. Plates are not used and can end up being confused with pressure plates
- Small change to capitalize the first letter of the second word, like the original text
- The original translation of Minecraft to ‘Skulls’ is ‘Crânios’
- For some reason, it has a weird space between the toggle button and the word
- Another small case suggesting to capitalize the second word for a better look
PS: There are many words that are like this, with only the first word capitalized and the rest in downcase, while in the original everything is capitalized. It looks a bit ugly, so I wanted to know if I can open reports to report only this type of thing too (:
Screenshots and/or video:
1 & 2:
3, 4 & 5: