Just Build Custom Servers Translations - Block Groups

Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Just Build Custom Servers - Block Themes

Affected Text:

  1. Placas
  2. Pedra decorativa
  3. Caveiras
  4. ‎ ‎ Velas
  5. Blocos personalizados

Suggested Text:

  1. Lajes
  2. Pedra Decorativa
  3. Crânios
  4. Velas
  5. Blocos Personalizados

Explanation of Issue:

  1. The original translation of Minecraft to ‘Slabs’ is ‘Lajes’. Plates are not used and can end up being confused with pressure plates
  2. Small change to capitalize the first letter of the second word, like the original text
  3. The original translation of Minecraft to ‘Skulls’ is ‘Crânios’
  4. For some reason, it has a weird space between the toggle button and the word
  5. Another small case suggesting to capitalize the second word for a better look

PS: There are many words that are like this, with only the first word capitalized and the rest in downcase, while in the original everything is capitalized. It looks a bit ugly, so I wanted to know if I can open reports to report only this type of thing too (:

Screenshots and/or video:
1 & 2:

3, 4 & 5:

Our translators have approved these suggestions, and it will soon be implemented into the game.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations:

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