Just Build and Bed Wars - Missing space between words

Affected Language:
Brazilian Portuguese

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):

  1. Just Build - Thanks for Voting chat message
  2. Just Build - Match Placements chat message

Affected Text:

  1. Agradecemos por votar:[vote] - (Agradecemos por votar:Ruim)
  2. [placement] lugar: [player] com[number] pontos - (1º lugar: GDVilla com18 pontos)

Suggested Text:

  1. Agradecemos por votar: [vote] - (Agradecemos por votar: Ruim)
  2. [placement] lugar: [player] com [number] pontos - (1º lugar: GDVilla com 18 pontos)

Explanation of Issue:

  1. The texts saying ‘Thank you for voting’ and your vote are missing a space between them, they are together. This happens in all ratings, not just the one in the example (additional image below to demonstrate)

  2. The texts talking about the player and the score they made are missing a space between them

Screenshots and/or video:



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Our translators have approved these suggestions, and they will soon be implemented into the game.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations: