Just Build ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ : Add the custom blocks from the hub to JB

:bulb: Suggestion/Idea

Add the custom blocks from the new hub to Just Build (JB).

:information_source: More information

Before the new hub released, there was already custom blocks in the server. It was first added in JB. Now, custom blocks can now also be found in the new hub, not just in JB anymore. But, there are some custom blocks that are only available in the hub and cannot be accessed in JB. I suggest adding the custom blocks exclusive to the hub like giant lili pads, lotus plants, red leaves, and many more to JB.

You should show us that blocks

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I feel like this post has been pushed down a lot by now, but I think it is a VERY underrated suggestion. There are what I would assume to be over 50+ unique blocks just in the hub that I would LOVE to use in my builds, and I feel like itโ€™s pretty sad they go unused. It would also make Just Build palettes much more unique to to other build battle gamemodes.

PLEASE implement this amazing suggestion