Just build 🛠️: Toggle Floor Patterns (Previously "Just Build - A New Useful Command: /floor pattern")
Post has finally been updated after a year. I've now decided to include the suggestions of my fellow Forumers.
Remember how there's a /floor command in Just Build? Well what if we can have patterns?
How will this work
When the game starts, every player will have an item in their inventory. When they open it, a menu will appear. You can select between 9 patterns (see bellow).
The Patterns
(I don’t know if the position of the emojis will look different to other devices)
(1 Tile Emoji = 1 Block)
Large Chess
Stripes, North-South
StripesEW, East West
Target Block
Large Target Block
There will also be a…
Diamond (this pattern will look similar to the
Random (useful for texturing)
and Spiral
…pattern (too lazy to use emojis to demonstrate).
Additional Info
Once you selected a pattern, the blocks will be black and white concrete powder by default. In order to change the blocks, another menu will pop up wherein you can between select 2-5 blocks to use. There will be a search bar for convenience.
honestly, this is a really good concept, but i feel like its a bit too complex for newer players, maybe when you do /floor pattern it brings up a menu, u select the pattern you want, and then another menu will pop up and you select your blocks there. my opinion only
I don’t think every feature should be new player friendly. Imo I think a feature like this would probably only be used by ‘experienced’ JB players anyway
Well yes, it’s a little bit too complex for new players, but just like what @AlphaDivided said, not all features need to be New-Player Friendly. But still your suggestion of when you’re doing “/floor” there will be a menu that will show in your screen is a very helpful and useful one.
And you could add another one to randomly spread out the blocks for the floor
For example if i want to make the floor stone i could instead give it more texture by randomy asigning two or even three blocks as the floor such as stone andesite and gravel
I’m a switch player so it would literally take me a full minute to make a pattern compared to like the normal 15 secs so it would add disparity between consoles who are slow at chatting and other methods that aren’t.
But /floor already has that problem. It wouldn’t be adding a new problem it would just be a bit longer than the current one. I do agree though, this would be a problem. Maybe there could be a pop-up menu. I saw this idea in an earlier reply, but it makes sense.
(TL;DWTR, you’re wrong, but also right since I kind of ignored half your post typing this but it’s too late to go back now isn’t it.)
Well no, it would be exponentially worse, /floor takes about 15 seconds on console, less if your a relatively fast typer, while on pc and mobile it takes about 2-5, and it can be expected that every letter takes about the same length to type.
This is different to consoles, where every some letters will take much longer to travel to then others. For example, a word like skepticism will take way longer to type on a console than other 10 letter words, with that difference being several seconds long, while on pc/mobile it takes the same length as most other 10 second words.
This means that every extra letter makes the time taken to type the command significantly higher than on pc.
So yes, while it might only be a 5 second difference in typing /floor on pc and console, typing a command such as the one in the post shown above would take upwards of 45 seconds longer.
I think this would only work if there was a pop up menu in the first place and I agree with the reply below me (or above me idk) when they say that typing that out is a pain. Im pretty fast at typing on that but it does solidify my point of “ive just set up my pattern but now ive got 60secs left”