Jetpack level bar in Skywars isn’t consistent

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):

Skywards hub.

What is the bug?

In the Skywars hub, your level is shown. Obviously, that isn’t bad. But the thing is that when the Jetpack replenishes, it goes back to your level, making it seem like it isn’t full.

Device(s) & Version

Any decide/version.

Screenshots, replay IDs, and/or videos:

Yeah, no. I have none.

I don’t know if this is a bug, but it would make more sense if it was fixed.

Thanks for submitting a bug report!

What you have described is intended behavior. Your fuel is displayed when you use the jetpack, and text appears on your action bar to notify you that your fuel is full.

If you would like to see this changed, please submit a suggestion in the Suggestions section!