Japanese Translation of "Herobrine" in Survival Games

Affected Language:

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Survival Games

Affected Text:
[gamertag] がヒロブラインにキルされました

Suggested Text:
[gamertag] がヘロブラインにキルされました

Explanation of Issue:
“[gamertag] was killed by Herobrine”, a message which is shown in chat when a player suicided in Survival Games, is translated into Japanese as “[gamertag] がヒロブラインにキルされました”, but I felt strange about this translation.
“Herobrine” is translated as “ヒロブライン” (Rōmaji: Hiroburain) in Japanese Minecraft Wiki, but he is called “ヘロブライン” (Rōmaji: Heroburain) in Japanese generally.

The death message in English (in lower left corner):

The death message in Japanese (in lower left corner):

Hey there :wave:

I have gone ahead and fixed this myself, the corrected text should appear in-game soon.

Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our translations! :translations: