Item"The Cobweb"

Now this might seem a bit of a stretch but think about it u get to see ur enemy get stuck in cobweb
Player 1:But wont they just stay for a long time till they die after alot of rounds or win?
And i say. IT disappears after everything gets deleted so yea.
Player 2 Can u stack the cobwebs so jump boost will have em stuck and might give them very low chances of the blocks and cobweb disappears and reappears making it useless?
Well i say u cant stack cobwebs boom problem solved. What Do You Guys Think?


I like the idea and see where you’re coming from, but I believe that block party’s powerups are already good for now and are quite balanced. Though I would like to see a powerup that maybe affects your opponent so I’m going to vote as this is the first of this type that I’ve seen. :smiley:


wayyyy to op if some1 gets this item the entire lobby will be terrified if they know that if they don have any powerups they are kind of screwed

can people that are stuck in cobwebs still use color teleporters to safe themselves?


Yes they can