Invisible Hiders during Grace Period

not just players that are targeting would be affected, everyone would be affected if everyone was invisible it the start as it would inconvenience players as players that you could interact with, solid players, can stop you from going places and push you out of blocks -(unknowingly to them because your invisible too) and would cause a lot of awkwardness for players and trolls to appear in the warm up, blocking paths by basically making an invisible wall.
i don’t believe that this complicated and awkward suggestion is the solution to a problem that can be fixed by just getting better at game positioning.

besides, this whole argument is highly one sided, a seeker-main could come here and say that this is making the game worse for them as it would take away their “advantage”. the best way to keep everyone happy is just to work around the games issues. (i am trying my best not to say get good)

You would become visible when you have become hidden.

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I would like to see this + it’s close to 50 votes

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This in an amazing idea. It’s really relatable and I think it would come in handy. You’ve got my vote. (Also I’ve seen you in the hub!)

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bump, this was recently duped and also an amazing idea

ajax hinted that hive might update hide sometime in the next century and when they do I want this to be part of that update (also block levels obviously)


ngl not to be a jerk but dumb idea, the only reason i run and only reason is because it’s so boreding hiding since you’re pretty much just waiting for the timer to 5 mins like bru just turn off the game at that point get a life and watch anime for the rest of your life

I genuinely don’t understand ur point g; if you don’t have the expectation that the five minute timer for the game might run all the way through then why are you wasting your time in the first place?

I like running around as a hider too, but I usually main as a seeker. You’re forgetting that some seekers may be entirely new to the game. r u just telling them to quit before they even have an opportunity to play just because they’re unfamiliar with the map? anyways