Invisibility rarity

Invisibility needs to be much more rare. For context, I spent a good whole round in the map backrooms trying to find the last person only to discover that they were invisible the whole time because of the cupcakes. Now I write this not just because it personally upset me to a whole other level, but also because this is not how the game should play whatsoever. I personally believe invisibility should be removed PERIOD, but since that would be seen as “extreme” I just want it to be more rare, because it honestly makes the experience playing the game horrible, and it gives you no time to react, takes no skill, and just ruins the way I feel this game is supposed to play. It takes the mystery out of it and makes it luck based. Will they find me or not? This isn’t supposed to be hide and seek.

it definitely needs to become rarer, but the fact that it exists at all can prevent the game from being too repetitive. it also is kind of op so maybe make the particles a bit more obvious?

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This honestly sounds pretty ok, like maybe the invisibility just makes it harder to see the person but not impossible? I think that could be ok.

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