Increased moderation for certain topics

Submarine, Skyscraper, Plane and Hotdog are the four horsemen of inappropriate builds. I’m not saying remove them, as that could limit creativity. I’m saying prioritise them in reports or maybe make them rarer.

Yeah I can tell why. Honestly I have had to stop playing just build because of all the meh spammers and inapropiate builds.


Why? I’m confused.


I don’t see how this would help. If these topics tend to have more inappropriate builds associated with them than others, there would be more reports on these topics.
I think the mods would have to be behind in reports for a priority change to have any affect. A problem like this may only be solved by gaing more mods.


hi mr lev!!!

[deleted by me]

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Don’t worry, removing these wont limit creativity.
theres a theme for ‘Anything.’
also, if you add more moderation for just these themes, people will flock to other themes and just ruin the whole game. Make all themes moderated.

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