In-Game Discord Unlink Command

Running “/discord unlink” unlinks the discord account associated with the ingame account. My current Microsoft account is linked with a deleted discord account and I really just want to unlink it. I know many others have this problem as well.

EDIT 4/7/20: Now, you must have a bedrock account linked to type in #bedrock-chat, so I (and a lot of others) really need this now…

Yeah, this would be great. There is dming the bot, but that seems pretty buggy

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Yeah that doesn’t work for me.

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Good idea! It would also prevent accidentally unlinking Java accounts since the bot doesn’t differentiate the two when given the command. :+1:t2:

I accidentally removed my own Java Moderator role once because I was trying to unlink Bedrock… :woman_facepalming:t2:


Woah, you’re an admin now! Congrats! :partying_face:


You just noticed that now?

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Yes, should I have seen it sooner?

Aha I am, thank you! It’s only been official for a couple days so you’re not late don’t worry! :smile: :heart:


This is a great idea for the users that lost their main!(notme)


I would love to hear what newer forum members think about this suggestion. I agree with the fact that this would make unlinking easier, but I am unsure due to the increased security risks.


Bump because i lost my discord account last year

Pretty epic bump
Unlinking it ingame would be much easier than with the bot because sometimes players are losing their discord accounts and have to contact support to be able to chat again.
This command would solve all unlink issues. :slightly_smiling_face:
Maybe there could also be a command ingame like /discord update (or something like that) that updates your roles on the discord server (e. g. someone bought Hive+ and the Bot didn’t notice that. Or /discord profile to see which discord account is linked with the minecraft account, … :thinking:


We currently don’t allow this for security reasons, and to prevent punishment evasion, but we may implement such a feature in the future.


Would it be possible to link the discord punishments to the minecraft accounts linked to them? That way evading punishments would not longer be an issue by linking the minecraft accounts linked to them. Or maybe you should have to wait a month before you can unlink your discord account so you can link another. I know this feature would be very beneficial to a lot of people I know.

Besides can’t you currently evade if you unlink from discord? Or can you not unlink if you have a punishment?


With Hive recently updating their linking and player-reporting systems, unlinking can now be done both in-game and on Discord. :partying_face: