Idea to avoid arch spammers

This idea is not to make you hate me. I want it to be taken as an alternative to the recent update.

Why don’t programmers make the arc break? It would work like this: When a bow spammer starts using his frantic combo, the bow breaks. This would force him to slow down if he wants to keep his bow.

And add the option to buy a new bow for 250 coins. This will make the spammer think twice if he wants to make another frantic combo.

(My idea can be used as an alternative to the recent update. Or it can also be added to what has already been implemented)

I’m making this suggestion because I see there are still players complaining that the bow upgrade does not stop the use of combos and I want to help them. If you think this measure could work, vote.

I don’t play CTF enough to know what your talking abt

I would like to illustrate it better. Sorry for not being able to explain it in the best way.

It’s all good I was just confused

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