there need a death sign so people know how many died
Im confused as to what this is. more detail please
It is just an indicator that shows the players on your level, above you and below you.
This would be epic!
Oh i thought it was who was dead and who was alive and confused what the circle was
:​O Brilliant suggestion! I love the designs too!!
i LOVE this idea! Amazing concept art too!
yay u got your account back
Great job! Voted!
How Has this not been added this woud be SO useful!!!
Do you mean XP level? Or level of the island thingys?
It’s the layer you are on
I meant layer when I said island thingy
Yeah then you were correct with that
That’s quite rude. Stellar was just trying to help and you turned him down faster than you can say “Hello”.
I do love this idea with all my heart, wish it was implemented!
very simple and easy to understand, voted
30 votes for u. Good job.