I’m new to hive forums, but I’ve come with an idea!

As I hope most of you know, the caves and cliffs update has recently come out and with a lot of really interesting and unique items! I have an idea to propose that maybe one of the people on the hive staff team could do. I’m idea is that they could add the spyglass as a mystery chest of ender chest item. Or like a item from the lucky ore (gold ore) of course this is just an idea that maybe you could take into consideration :smiley: have a nice rest of your day!

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Aye I think u gotta add this as suggestions

Like I said, I’m new to forums and I don’t know how to do that :confused:

This is a double post of This


Never mind I guess O

If u want it to be added then vote for that suggestion

You have to put this in #suggestions:skywars
Edit your comment, then while editing change the category.

Hello! :wave:

Welcome to the forums!
This idea has been suggested like said above, you can see the post here, and you can also change posts to #suggestions:SkyWars or some thing else next time by clicking the :pencil2: next to the title of the original post!

this reply was probably useless :o


yeah spyglass would be very useful in skywars