I feel like hive skywars needs to add lava and water buckets

I want hive to add lava and water buckets cause i feel like it would be a good way to avoid/stop combos but maybe the lava buckets and water buckets should be in a kit so we add new kits to Skywars Kits. And also i think hive should add various different blocks like add wool, wood, etc

This aleeady has been suggested multiple times here. Make sure to use the :mag_right: tool.


as miau stated, many users have already suggested this; you can find the original suggestion here
feel free to vote for it (:

have a lovely day / night :blobheart:


They should add those things :slight_smile:

There is already tons of strategy in stopping combos like using another sbs or the simpliest is try placing blocks to get yourself a time to fight or run.

There is already wood and wool blocks and adding variety without feature will just make skywars bloated with useless features.

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yes but i want a new type of experience to stop combos or to start combos. And maybe if we get this update then we could see @EvidentP making suffocations traps. Im not responding cause im mad, i just want to tell you

Duplicate Suggestion