Hypnotising boombox

Since I used to play pvz2, I was thinking that what if we could borrow some of the plants’ abilities and implement it in skywars. So I shall introduce a new type of boombox called hypnotising boombox. So what does it do and how does it affect opponents? You may ask. Well before I go through on that, allow me to show you what ability a particular plant has that can also be implemented through boomboxes

So here we have Hypno-Shroom, an Enchant-Mint family plant. As you can see the animated image, when the conehead eats hypno shroom, it will pretty much turn around and turn against the other zombie, hypnotised. Eventually it will start eating the other zombie approaching the distance. If you want a clearer image of how hypno-shroom looks like, here you go

So I thought that ability could also be useful in skywars. The hypnotising boombox will be a pink-coloured boombox, dropped from mining gold ores. When thrown at players, the boombox will make them hypnotised whereby the game will automatically make them start chasing after their own teammates and will attack their own teammates, and any normal teammates that get attacked by their hypnotised teammates will take damage. Pink coloured swirls will then appear from hypnotised teammates to show the hypnotising effect

The good thing is the hypnotising effect will only last for 8 seconds, after that the effect will wear off and the hypnotised players will become normal again. It also doesnt affect the player who uses/ throws the boombox.

Thats pretty op, how rare is it?

It has at 5% chance dropping from gold ores

Uhhhh, I would make it lower. This is really op, as the player is forced to hunt down their teammates. Also, this would make it harder to catch team griefers

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ok then what about 2%? If not, the lowest I can go is 0.5%


if you dont understand that part, let me rephrase it. Basically, what the hypnotising boombox does it that, when it is being thrown towards other players, any players near the boombox radius will be converted to be on your side whereby they will turn around and start to chase and attack their own teammates. Pretty much any of their teammates who get attacked by them will take damage

How can a boombox control a player?

Maybe hive could code that into skywars whereby the boombox will instead control their movement

This is too much of a game changer to be added TBH.

I don’t even know if this kind of play control is even possible, and if it is, it definitely wouldn’t be a fun thing to develop (since it would probably require literally as much effort as coding all of the game it’s in)


but then it will be kind of fun to watch your opponents chasing after their own teammates and trying to attack them, I mean if lets say some fully diamond armoured dude is charging towards you and then just so happens you have the hypnotising boombox in ur inventory, you can just launch the boombox and once it hits your opponent, he will then turn around and become controlled by the boombox whereby he will instead start to chase after his own teammates, allowing you to escape, in fact it is useful for people who are not really good at pvp like me

Pretty much your opponents will become hypnotised and instead help you in a way. Whereas for the coding part, I mean hive could give it a try since they are an expert in coding stuff, so…

Also from this point, anyone feels like criticising my idea pls dont do it here, because I am the guy that hates criticism and it is hard for me to accept it, I dont want because of criticism which will cause me to start another round of argument which I dont want to :pensive:

Its called constructive criticism.

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That’s pretty op and all but…how is staff supposed to make it so that you will automatically attack enemies??
i think it’s close to impossible

A stun-type boombox would be interesting, however I don’t think it should cause players to attack their teammates. Although they’d be “hypnotized” it could easily be considered team griefing, which is something that is against the rules in all games. Additionally, I think it could make players more upset for a teammate to turn on them, or for them to kill/cause damage to their teammate, and generally wouldn’t be received well.

I think if you wanted to go the hypnotizing routes their is other effects that could be added instead, such as nausea being an easy example of that. The blindness and slowness boombox already exist as well, which could also serve as more of stun boombox. =)


actually tbh I thought it will be kind of funny of seeing the opponent become ‘‘hypnotised’’ and attacking their own teammates, but I guess it is considered as team griefing

Nonono I understand it completely but just like


this would be hard enough to implement, and even then, I don’t see much benefit from this

this would be pretty annoying, and idk if it’s even allowed to physically control one’s gameplay.

we’re not trying to criticize you nor start an argument, we’re just giving our honest opinions about this suggestion. I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but It’s a suggestion, it’s meant to have people discuss over whether or not they like it or not.

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