A bundle that adds a bunch of hub titles
Total games played
Total level
Total cosmetics unlocked
Total gifts dropped/sent
Total wins
Day you first logged onto hive
Total quests completed
I was thinking it would cost the 990 minecoins/5 gift tokens
Maybe cheaper since it is just 7 hubtitles.
Fair there is some more they could add but I figured this was a good start
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I like the idea, my only things are these: number one, like I’mnotBritish said, it ses a bit expensive for the worth of hubtitles. Number two: i could see these being bought by quest points in a quest points shop rather then a bundle I might make that soon as a topic anyway, great use of the stat track feature, so voted!
Oh also first reply of 2025, that’s insane! (Sorry that it took 16 days)