Hub experience?

This might sound dumb, but might be a cool thing, the hive should add hub experience, where you can choose wether to show your level or not, how this would work, is you would add up all of the levels for all of the games, and then also have a places where you could get one time xp, to encourage looking around the hub, and for parkour, at each of the checkpoints you would have a spot for xp, and you could obtain it once every hour or two. Certain levels would also get you avatars and hub titles. However they wouldn’t be close together, maybe one every ten levels, and even longer the higher you are. Now once again this might sound useless, but I’m sure that tons of people would grind for levels. Now you might say to get a certain amount of xp per amount of time(idk what it would be) but a problem with that would be afking for experience, which would be a problem. But if you really wanted to add that, then make it to where after a full minute of not moving, you would stop getting xp(raise this or lower it if you want) and it would continue again once you move. Idk how you would do this, but then again I don’t know anything about coding lol. Thanks for reading

This has been suggested before

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Hey there! :wave:
While this is a great idea, this is a duplicate suggestion. Next time, please use the search feature :mag: to look for the suggestion beforehand to prevent duplicate suggestions being created. You can find the original suggestion here!

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Closed as it is a duplicate suggestion:- Hub Level and Achievement System