How to Fix Diamond Armor Pricing

Currently the diamond armor price is 32 diamonds, which is insanely low. You can get diamond armor 5 minutes into the game just by upgrading your generator and running around all the diamond generators until you reach 32. I had a tough squads game, and when it came down to the last two teams, all 8 players had full diamond armor. It’s a big difference from iron, and overall super op.

Revert the cost back to 28 emeralds. When this was the price is Treasure Wars, it was perfect because not only did you have to protect your base, but if you wanted diamond armor you had to own middle as well. Now, there is basically no point in controlling middle. 28 was the perfect price for it in Treasure Wars.

Change the price to emeralds and diamonds. This means that you would need a certain amount of diamonds and emeralds to buy diamond armor (ex. 20 diamonds and 16 emeralds). This would make it so the player would not just have to rush and camp middle, but venture to diamond islands as well. This would make it somewhat more dangerous to receive the armor, but it balances out with how powerful diamond armor is.

hei guyz!1!1 today i am going to show u a tutorial on how 2 fix diamond amor pricgin!1!!1. But yes I agree it’s way too easy to get. Voted

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revamped the suggestion as i changed my mind. diamond armor should only be bought with emeralds.





Accepted idea?! Welp let’s add this to the #pending-accepted-ideas list!