Honey Glitch

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or global):
Hide and Seek, Chime, NA
What is the bug?
There is a little barn area with gates and honey blocks inside of trap doors. You can get inside of the honey block by opening the trapdoor and getting inside of it, and then, since honey is insta-break, you can break the honey while sprinting to get inside of the honey once the honey re-appears. Now normally I wouldn’t be making a report about this, but it has it’s problems. You can get kicked by doing this glitch.
This bug only works when you are a seeker.

Device(s) & Version
Nintendo Switch, but the bug is not due to lag, so I assume all versions this will work.
Screenshots and/or video:
None yet, but the bug is really easy to replicate. Will provide some if needed!

Hey there,

Thanks for submitting a bug report.

Glitching into blocks is against the rules, and the anti-cheat will rightfully kick you for doing this; this isn’t a bug.