Hive Replay addon•-•

Pretty simple•-• at the end of a game it pops up a short menu that shows your stats. Add a button that will add a star or symbol next to the replay for later use•-• also the ability to do so from the cinema incase misclicked, But i play 20-30 games a day and its difficult to find some my sweaty comebacks. Thankso•-•/

Don’t have replay pass but seems like a cool idea


yes very cool•-•

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Good idea, small suggestions:

Maybe make it so in the compass you can see everyone’s stats. So you can click on a button that says “statistics” then click on the player you want to view then you can see the cool stuff.

Also pinning a replay was already suggested Pin Replay

Good idea with the stats tho •-•


ye i saw that suggestion and figured mine was different enough to post•-• as mine is a little more ingame lol