Hive, please don't get rid of block drop!

I loveeee blockdrop! As someone playing on the switch lite usually, and who is horrible at PVP, blockdrop is my total jam right now. I don’t think any other bedrock featured servers have a form of it and I really enjoy this game. I have over 34,000 blocks destroyed and wanna aim for ever more! I wonder what the record is… I’ve only been playing for a few days on this mode.
Also, this is my first post, so hi! :smiley:


Hi! :wave:

They might add this into the Mixed Arcade, not sure though, and it could even stay as a perm game, probably not though. We will see!

Also, welcome to the forums! :honeybee: :grinning:


I’d love it on mixed arcade

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smh my bad…Spleef it splegg

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I’m on Switch too, and I am a god at this game. I love this game so much, that I wish it was a perm gamemode. However, this will probably be in mixed arcade :smiley:


i’m all up for block drop staying, but the hive have said they are removing block drop and sky royale soon so that’s annoying. and yea,
hopefully a lite version of block drop is added to mixed arcade, that would be cool

I won’t really miss SkyRoyale
Because it wasn’t really interesting to me
The new gamemode should have gone to murder mystery instead of SkyWars tbh (when the MM update was in development back then)
Since the game needed it more

Block Drop will be missed as one of the most interesting LTM games next to Ghost Invasion Periodt

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Welcome to the forums! This is a duplicate suggestion! You can continue the discussion here; Keep Block Drop
Remember to use the :mag_right: feature before suggesting! :heart: