Welcome to the Forums! This is one of the greatest first posts i’ve seen so far.
I would totally buy this! i know people will complain about it not flying, but imagine driving along the roads in the arcade. That sounds just as fun as any other mount can offer. Also how many seats does it have? How fast does it go? if it only has one seat and doesn’t go very fast, i don’t think it will sell well.
Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed my concept. I should make it clear that it was created for fun and inspiration, not as an actual suggestion.
While flying mounts can be exciting, I agree that non-flying mounts can offer unique experiences too. Driving along the roads in the arcade sounds super fun!
As for the seating, this model has one seat, but I designed it in a way that two seats could be possible in the front. Additionally, the trunk can be used as an optional seating area as well.
Again, thank you for the positive feedback, and I hope my concept brings inspiration to other players and artists!
Oh. Thanks for clarifying, but the forums are for suggestions, bug reports, and translation reports. It’s best to only post concepts if you have intentions of getting it into the game. For future reference, you can vote for your own post.