HIVE idea Pls Use could be cool

make a ranked version where you can only play agaisnt people with ur stats so bad players with bad players only and good with good only

make a ranked version where you can only play agaisnt people with ur stats so bad players with bad players only and good with good make a ranked version where you can only play agaisnt people with ur stats so bad players with bad players only and good with good only

make a ranked version where you can only play agaisnt people with ur stats so bad players with bad players only and good with good only

Hello and welcome to the forums. :wave: Make sure to read the rules here!
This is a duplicate suggestion please use the :mag: search icon next time you post a suggestion.
You can find the original one here.
Have a good day! :slight_smile:


dang you beat me to it

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Hey there, and welcome to the forums!!! :partying_face:

Next time make sure to vote for your own idea, because it doesn’t do it automaticly.

Also this is a duplicate suggestion. The original thread can be found here, (I think its the original anyway), so make sure to vote for it!!

Also please don’t copy+paste the same message alot like, that. It’s not necessary…

man, I type to slow