Basically, I always found the hive’s lobby map looking like a town… Upon thinking, towns have advertisements!
That’s what the hive is missing… Well, sort of.
I think Bill boards or posters should be added to the hive’s lobby, advertising:
-Hive content creators
Basically, around the hub (in well selected locations) there are bill boards, then people who want advertisements for maybe their social menu (for example, a YouTube channel) they pay the hive for there ‘bill board design’ to be put on there.
This increases the money coming in for the hive, and helps out smaller content creators.
So let’s say, a location near the NPCs for a bill board would cost more money to obtain ones advertisement in.
As more players would see it.
A good location= cost more money
And time your advertisement is on the bill board= more money, too
[But of course, the players need there own design of bill board posters]
In conclusion, the addition of bill boards to the hive lobby will help the hive and content creators.
(NOTE: so I’ve read some messages stating they should also add bill board ads for hive cosmetics, which I think could work- along with LTM and seasonal game-modes)