Hiders and seekers can clip in-between buildings

Hide and Seek
China Town

Hiders and seekers can clip in-between buildings
Inside eat, hiders can hide on top of each other and clip out of bounds, while seekers can block clip then block stack to the same area.

Device & Version
Windows 11 PC, 1.21.44.

Screenshot Replay ID (the replay does not show the hider clip method)

Replay ID (skip ahead to 0:54 to see me performing the seeker block clip, then skip to 2:18 for the block stacking. The area I go to is where hiders can clip into): EffortlessRawIron8229

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Thank you for submitting a bug report!

I have logged this issue and it will be looked into by our build team soon.


This issue has been fixed :tada:

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