Hide & Seek New Abilities Suggestion

New Ability 1: So the Hide & Seek game Is my favorite game and I wanted to experience what It would feel like if There was a new ability called “Block Shifter” This ability morphs the hiders into another block BUT can’t morph into any block they tap in their surroundings and can only Select blocks in the Block Selection system (The compass item where you can select a block) This could be a opportunity for the hiders to get away BUT to balance the game, If a hider attempts to Morph into another block It creates a distraction That contains Particles and sounds that can distract the seekers attention and Reveals the hider’s location for 5 seconds by highlighting the hitbox of the hider and after that, The hider will morph into another block. To get the ability… A random hider that gains Xp points for surviving the last minute will randomly have the ability (In order to balance the game only 1 hider can have the ability and can only be used Once).

New ability 2: So this new ability is for the seeker and the new ability’s name is “Location Tracker” Which reveals a hider’s location by highlighting the hider’s entity hitbox, And to balance the game… When the seeker uses the ability It will Locate a random hider’s location that is Far away from the seeker! The “Location Tracker” Ability can only be obtained when they appear randomly at a certain location of the chosen map…
Edit: Also it has 2/10 Chance of spawning

I think ability 2 is op bc the maps are small. Not a big fan of Ability 1 or abilities in the first place.

As @Thefostapug has said, ability 2 is to op, but I think ability 1 would be quite a cool add!

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Yeah I thought about it so hide n seek can made some improvements!